Monday, May 29, 2006

Hunting for Production Capable Blogs

Biggest problem in finding blogs for new industries is that we can't always find blogs which have incoming link(s). Voting those blogs still reward you karma and chips after your votes were moderated positively. But of course we want more than that. We need ideas to be produced and collected. So there are several tricks to that.

First, don't be afraid to vote those no-incoming-link blogs. Try to find links, again using Google, with link keyword. For example, let's say you have voted into industry smurf. Initially that blog doesn't have incoming link. But after searching via Google "link:" we find that has outgoing link to foo. bar is also unlisted in Blogshares. We have to add bar into Blogspot, wait for several minutes, then reindex bar. Then refresh Blogshares' page of foo. You will see that now it has incoming link from bar but it's value is still 1000. Reindex it. Now its value is not 1000 anymore.

Wait for drop. Collect. Well done!

Second technique to search good blog is by browsing's list of blogs with the same place. If you found a no-incoming-link blog in industry smurf in California, USA, then you can check for other blogs using this URL: Browse those blogs, check if they're already registered into Blogshares, vote as appropriate, reindex, wait for drop, collect, very well done!

Happy hunting!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hunting for New Industries

Why depends on other players? You can always trying to fill empty industries with new blogs. That way, you can reindex first and be most ready to grab produced ideas on drop time, far more ready than other players who only wait and grab.

The easiest way is to find appropriate blogs into places sub industries. Start from list of all industries with no blogs. Well, actually that is not a list of industries with no blogs, but industries that you don't own ideas yet. But that is the closest thing available.

For instance, say, we choose to fill Nampa (ID) industry. When I write this article, that industry has no blogs. We can find potential blogs by searching. I usually choose blogspot blogs, because verifying places are easy there. Let's search for blogs in blogspot which located in Nampa using Google. Look at search command I use. means I will limit search only on sites under domain "location: nampa" is a search term to limit to blogs with that specific info, blogs whose owner location is in Nampa. Of course we have to verify each result, rejecting dead blogs, spams, etc. If a potential blog is not in Blogshares' database yet, we should add it. Wait for several minutes, then check it again. If that blog is already in Blogshares, then we simply do voting for Nampa.

Don't forget to reindex. Then we must wait for drop. Easy, isn't it? Well, there's a secret about waiting for a new industry that I won't tell you now. You must see it for yourself :D

Idea Hunting part 3: How to Buy

Now I will explain about the most important part of idea hunting: how to buy them! Easiest way to get ideas you need is to buy bond(s). But if we want to collect many ideas, bond buying will deplete your wallet quite fast. A cheaper way is to reindex blogs in that industry (see idea hunting part 2), wait for drop in public market, then buy them fast.

That's it: buy them fast, but how? You have to know when will drop happen. You need fast internet link. You need fast computer. Use tabbed browsing and learn tab navigation. Open buy window in advance, put in captcha code, fill in quantity later. How do you know what quantity to buy? Open another tab to idea market with filter, and monitor when drop happens from there too.

Know in advance about how many ideas will drop roughly is important too. You can check historical transaction in any industry. For instance, to see transaction on Morocco industry, you can check View Ideas Trading History around the top right page. Checking today's transaction won't help much in predicting drop, check yesterday transaction instead.

Buying ideas held by other players can be done via bond or player market. Bonds can only be issued in discrete quantity: 10, 100, 1000, ..., but player market is more flexible. You can buy any quantity available there.