Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Reviving 'Dead' Industries

Some Blogshares' industries don't produce ideas anymore. There are mysteries I haven't understand. Check Iaido for example. It has 6 blogs, none dead, 5 with incoming links. Iaido has majority vote (top-5) in each of them. Why no idea drop since Nov 2005? This situation makes Iaido ideas priceless.

Other industry like Kut doesn't have blogs. Of course it can't produce more ideas. But where were those ideas coming from? At one time, that industry has at least one blog. Then that blog were dead. So no more trace. This is a very interesting challenge, at least for me: to revive those 'dead' industries. How? I'm not sure yet. Maybe I need a Arabic-specific blog search engine to find appropriate blogs.

Making Birkenhead industry to produce seems much more easier than two above examples. Just find active blogs with few votes (not more than 5) and has incoming link(s); reindex; wait for drop; have some fun!


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